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Boost Business
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Boost Biz Products and Services
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Boost Biz Products and Services
Bill Payment
Why do some accounts have bill information and others don’t?
Who can access & perform bill payments?
Why can’t I pay the same bill multiple times?
Why is there MIN and MAX amount?
What happens if my payments are successful, but my bill is not updated?
What happens if my payments are successful, but it’s still not reflected after the SLA lead time?
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Payment Link
Registration, Activation & Access
Setting Up Payment Link
Setting Up : Using Product Page Features
Order Page: Understanding Order update
Payment Method
Card & E-Wallet Registration, Activation & Access
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Boost Soundbox
Boost Soundbox Pro Series
Boost Soundbox Lite Series
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What is settlement?
Why have I not received the daily settlement report notifications in my email?
How can I check my outlet settlement due for the day?
Will my settlement include transaction that has been cancelled?
If I do not have any transaction for the day, can I still view the settlement history?
Boost Business App does not display the right transaction details. Who should I contact?
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Merchant Wallet
What is the Boost Biz Merchant Wallet?
Why does the merchant need the Boost Biz Merchant Wallet?
How can I get the Boost Biz Merchant Wallet?
Who can access & use the Merchant Wallet?
Why do I need to set a 6-digit PIN?
What is Instant Merchant and non-Instant merchant?
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DuitNow QR
What is DuitNow QR?
What is DuitNow QR for Merchant?
Who can apply for DuitNow QR for Merchant?
How does it differ from the existing QR payments offered by Banks and e-Wallet providers?
How will DuitNow QR benefit my Business?
How do I apply for DuitNow QR for Merchant?
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Boost POSM
What is Boost POSM?
Where will the POSM be placed?
What are the sales materials available to promote Boost?
What is the best way to showcase Boost QR?
Who will be performing the POSM installation at my premise?
How do I request for additional materials or replace the sales materials from Boost?
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Prepaid Top-Up As A Service
How to purchase PIN Top-Up?
How to perform direct Top-Up to a Mobile Number?
What is this “Prepaid” feature?
How do I get started?
Why can’t I purchase more than 5 PINs under the PIN Top Up feature?
What should I do if the transaction payment is pending?
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International Payment
What is Boost International QR Payment?
I am an existing Boost Biz Merchant, will I be able to accept International QR Payments with my current Boost DuitNow QR code?
How do I enable this service?
Are there any charges incurred to me as a Boost Biz Merchant to accept International QR transaction?
What will be shown on my Boost Biz daily settlement report?
Will I be receiving my settlement in foreign currencies for those payments made by foreign bank app or foreign eWallet?
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How does a customer pay using Boost at my outlet?
How do I void an unsuccessful transaction?
What should I do if the customer made an unsuccessful transaction?
How do I know if the cash back has successfully returned to customer by Boost?
How do I confirm the transaction has been successfully cancelled?
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